Reasons to play Rugby

4 Reasons To Play Rugby

Rugby is without a doubt one of the most thrilling and popular sports in the world. However, many people believe that rugby is too rough a sport for them, but many rugby experts believe that it is beneficial to everyone. Here are some convincing arguments why more people should play rugby.

Real Friends

Sharing experiences with people is the greatest way to grow close to them, particularly if you go through difficult moments together. You will experience the natural highs and lows of sports when you join even a low-level rugby team, and you will also put your neck on the line for each other. Consider how you feel when you’re on the field and you see a bunch of players in a difficult scrum or when the ball is handed to you and you know you can contribute in either situation. It’s a wonderful sensation.

When you think about that over the course of a season or two and add in the shared experiences of hard training in the cold, the pain of losing big games, and getting hurt, you can see how rugby does help you make friends.


Every rugby club has a group of people who are friendly, open to meeting new people, and close to each other. When you get into rugby, you are likely to become a part of that community over time.

There is always something going on or coming up that you can join or help with. On the weekend, you will never run out of things to do, that’s for sure. Plus, it feels great when you’re all wearing your sports team kit; it cements that feeling of community.

The rugby community is also remarkable for how well it moves around. Anywhere in the world, you can go to the local rugby club and immediately connect with a group of rugby players who will have your back from the start.

A Reason To Exercise

It might be difficult to find the motivation to go out and exercise. However, if you are a member of a rugby team, you will most certainly feel obligated to get yourself down to training and do some hard exercise more often than if you did not participate.

Furthermore, if you miss a training session or two, the team coach or captain would most certainly phone you to let you know what they think. People hire personal trainers to do this for them in order to keep them responsible; however, you may receive this for free just by joining a rugby team.

It Improves Your Agility And Speed

Dodging players on the field can improve your agility in a big way. You’ll also need to be fast, so playing rugby often can help you get faster. You might think rugby players are big and bulky, but that doesn’t mean they can’t move with grace and ease. Agility and speed are skills that can be used in other sports and in everyday life. This means that rugby can help you in many areas of your life and your health in general.

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